@joshhammz on the Surgeon and @tylertomy getting ready for some pebble wrestling
HeartBreaker Area
Beached Whale - 5.9+
Start on small boulder under roof and climb around/through crack. Turn around on the boulder and climb the large face.
The Coffin - v8
Traverse the crack under roof (towards the road). Gain the face of overhung boulder and trend right into the high jug start of Angioplasty. Finish the slab face.
Angioplasty - v4 (Dangerous Fall)
High stand start on jug in face. Gain the rail up right and mantle into the face. Finish straight up the slab, please have lots of pads and spotters.
Project - v?
Start on double underclings underneath Angioplasty. Try to climb up to and finish Angioplasty.
The Surgeon - v5
Start with feet on crack and no hands. Climb up the slab face using smears and friction to gain the ripely crimps for top out.
Heartbreaker Arẽte - v4/5
Staying on left face of arete; Stand start with high smear and right undercling/side-pull. Climb up on left of arete.
Heartbreaker Arẽte Right - v4/5
Start on right of arete (Helps to stack pads). Use undercling and right high pinch and climb the arete straight up and over.
Step it Up - v5
Stand Start with left hand crimp at face and high right crimp. Climb up the bulgy face.
Penny Pincher - v5
Jump start using big dish to the left of tree. Catch huge side pull and mantle.
Project - v? (See if Copeland has finished)
Stand start with left hand side-pull and high right hand "crimp". Smear feet and attempt to move up face.
Keeper of the Boat Area
Keeper of the Boat - v4
Keeper of the Boat Sit - v5
Street Sweeper - v7
Roadside Throw - v4
Crazy Critters - v6
Critter Slab - vB
Block Mantle - vB
Block Slab - vB
Sky Bowl Project - V?
Project Arẽte - v?
Sourwood Area
Sourwood Arẽte - v3
Stand start with right hand on arete with right hand slopey pinch and low left crimp with good feet. Work your way up the arete trending left.
Sourwood Sit - v4
Sit start with left hand on crimp and right hand low on sloper bulge (not really a hold). Climb into and and through Sourwood Arete..
Sourwood Mantle - v3
Stand start on crimps and sloper with smeared feet. Follow the crack line, gaining a high foot and mantle.
Sour Power Arẽte - v7
Compression start with right hand crimp/side-pull at hip height on face and high left hand pinch on arete. Try finding your feet to climb the arete up to top out.
Picnic Rock - vB
Kids Slab
House Crack Area
Big Arch - 5.9+
Pine Tree Crack - 5.10
Beach Area
Ethan's Crack - vB
Fernando's Beach Slab - v5
Wee Kids Crack - vB
Rincon - vB
The Ocean - v0
Wiamea Bay - v1
The Beach - v1
Left Break - v0
Fernando's Block - v6/7
Waves in Motion Area
Waves in Motion - v2
Off Shore - v0
Surfer Dude - v0
Long Board - v0
Wave Slab Project - v?
Fernando - v7
Log Boost - vB
Crack Groove - vB
Mantle Ramp - vB
Dream Scoop Area
DS1 - v1
Start where boulders meet. Climb up and over bulge using the left arete.
DS2 - v1/2
Stand start with jugs in crack under little boulder. Climb over bulge.
Kids Slab - v0
Climb Slab right of DS2.
Reach Mantle - v3
Stand start with left hand on crimp and right side-pull. Use pebbles and high feet to gain a mantle.
Short Mantle - v2
Stand start on left crimp and right hand gaston. Make balanced reaches to a mantle top out.
DS 3.5 - v2
Start with left hand crimp press and right hand smear to the right of arete. Climb straight up slab.
Ramble On - v2
Start with right hand side-pull and left hand wherever. Smear your way up the slab.
Crack to Nowhere - v8
Start in crack left of tree. Climb the crack to a dyno/stand slap to bulge and mantle over.
Hanging Arẽte - v3
Bear hug arete. Climb straight up and overtop.
DS5.1 - v6
Sit start on right hanging arete and traverse into the left arete to top out.
DS5.2 - v3
Sit start and climb the right hanging arete.
Ski-Bop - v3
Dream Scoop Direct - v3
Dream Scoop Sit Start - v5
Dream Scoop Left - v3
Easy Crack Area
Mikey Can Climb v1! - v1
Stand start low left on precariously placed boulder. Traverse up and right along the arete.
Samsara - v7
Stand start matched on deep crimps in middle of face. Use the micro crimps and pebble smears to gain a high foot and mantle straight over start holds.
Project Slab - v?
Start with feet on crack left of arete. Use smears, friction and high crimps to gain the less than ideal top out holds.
Bob and Craigs Slab - v6
Foot smear start directly right of crack. Use crimp ripples and dimples to climb straight up the slab face. (Crack is off)
Easy Crack - v0
Climb straight up the finger crack using smears and foot cams.
Sleazy Slab - v3
Climb the slab directly left of Easy Crack.
Easy Crack Traverse - v2
Awkward double undercling pinch on far left of slab in crack. Traverse up and right along the crack until it meets Easy Crack and top out.
Crimpy McCrimperson - v2
Start on top of boulder left of Easy Crack Traverse. Climb straight up the slab face. (Easiest way off sans falling)