Razors Edge Area | Magic Carpet Area | Rim Job Area | Land of Arete's
Nautica Maze | The Wave Area
Nautica Maze
A1. Echo Base- v4/5
Start on low jugs on the right side of roof. Climb up and left over bulge.
A2. Jedi - Sandbagged v9
Sit start on crimps in roof, climb straight out.
A3. Red Leader - v5/6
Sit start low on left hand crimp and right hand gaston crimp. Make a big reach to jug and finish straight up over top. Or Traverse left into Trench Run.
A4. Trench Run - v4
Sit start low on jug. Climb straight out face through water groove.
B1. The Crucible - "v5" (*coughs: bullcrap)
Start on low right hand crimp and high left crimp in middle of face. Make your way to under-cling and make a big reach to sloping crimps. Top straight out of roof/face.
B2. Unknown - v3/4
Start on low right hand crimp and high left crimp in middle of face. Make your way through under cling to the arete, bail out around arete halfway through boulder.
The Bat Cave Area
C1. Out of Options - v6
Start with right on crimp knob and left hugging corner, make your way up then through the hanging arẽte.
C2. I Gave You Options - v7
Start matched on sloper pinch and heel hook. Make big crosses up the arẽte over tree, top out through crack.
C3. Baby Options - v5
Start on high right pinch and high left sloper above base of tree. Finish up and through the crack.
C4. Robin- v2/3
Start matched on jugs in corner cave, make your way left and out.
D1. The Fear - v9
Start low. Very low. No keep going. Climb out the huge cave on jugs until you get to the crimp/heel hook with a monster lock off to more crimps in middle of face. Finish out left, with a fun mantle.
D2. The Fear Warmup - v5
Start matched on jug in face and climb up the left arete. Finish out the Fear mantle.
E1. Bubble Butt Project Left- v?
Start low left on sloper crimps. Move right through crimps to jugs and finish by making a big reach to sketchy top out.
E2. Bubble Butt Project Right- v?
Start as per Nautica Low. Move left through jugs, making a big reach to sketchy top out.
E3. Nautica Low Project - v11?
(No known ascents)
Start on middle of face with high crimps. Climb right to the arẽte and finish out Nautica.
E4. King DeDeDe - Project
Start on middle of face with high crimps and climb straight up and slightly left through the slab/crimp face. Top out straight over top the start.
E5. Nautica - v9
(1 known ascent)
Start on the face with crimps, make you way up and right to the arẽte.
Roof Area
F1. Izod - v3
Start on jugs under roof and make your way straight out on jugs. It ain't over 'til you top this sucker out.
F2. Hilfiger - v4
Sit start matched with crimps on face. Make your way up and left through the roof crack, finishing up Izod.
F3. Klein - v6
Sit start matched with crimps on face. Make a long big reach up right to finger slot in crack. Finish up and right on the face.
F4. Ralph - v6
Sit start matched with crimps on face. Climb up and left to finger slot in roof crack. Break straight out and backwards to jugs on roof arete. Finish on your choice of holds.
F5. Chaps (Ralph ext.) - v6
Sit start matched with crimps on face. Climb up and left to finger slot in roof crack. Break straight out and backwards to jugs on roof arete and traverse into Izod.
@jmartin38 on unknown v4/5